Year in Review - Report from the Executive to the 2017 AGM

The 2016-2017 academic year has been a very productive year for the FCDSA and we have been able to achieve our goals and objectives determined by last year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM). A summary of our progress has been outlined blew:

Finances: A sponsorship package has been developed to serve as the cornerstone of our sponsorship seeking efforts. With its completion, efforts are now centered upon our next step of identifying and reaching out to potential sponsors for the National Dental Student Conference 2018 with the aim of building long-lasting mutually beneficial partnerships. Lastly, in order to have a diversified revenue stream, the federation will explore the feasibility of charging a membership fee.

Canadian Dental Student Conference: The Dental Student Conference Committee was established to take on the task of organizing the conference in January 2018. The committee has developed a preliminary agenda and signed a contract with Westin Harbour Castle Hotel in Toronto. Currently, we have and continue to communicate with our partners such as CDSPI, CDA, ACFD, NDEB and other potential sponsors to explore collaborative opportunities. The conference has been officially announced to dental students at all 10 faculties and we expect to welcome over 500 dental students from across the country with the aim of providing a special place for students and sponsors to connect, engage and advocate.

Internal Communications Committee (ICC): The ICC has taken series of initiatives to engage dental students on social media by providing useful and relatable contents and keeping dental student informed about the upcoming Canadian Dental Student Conference in January 2018.

External Communications Committee (ECC): The ECC has incorporated photos from dental student societies into our website. Posters were designed and circulated to each representative at the beginning of the year. The ECC’s goals in the future are to translate all of the website content to French, continue to develop the pages that are lacking adequate content and to increase the visibility of the Federation.

Student Wellness Committee: SWC was established last year to address dental students’ physical and emotional wellbeing by increasing awareness of the prevalent health problems among dental students. Our goal is to share informative resources and work with CDSPI to promote free services offered by My EAP app.

Virtual Town Hall Meetings: The FCDSA has been working closely with John O’Keefe (CDA Oasis) to produce useful content for dental students. In collaboration with the NDEB, a town hall meeting took place between members of the Federation and the NDEB representatives. The NDEB will be in charge of distributing the video contents on their website.

Incorporation under the NFP ActIt was decided among the executives to incorporate the Federation as a non-for-profit to limit the liability of the members from the organization’s activities and to issue tax-deductible receipts to future donors. It will cost the Federation about $2,500.00 to incorporate the Federation with the help of a lawyer. The structure of the corporation will be presented to the council at the AGM.

Recommendations to the Council:

  • BE IT RESOLVED that a By-law Review Working Group (2-3 people) be established and tasked with reviewing the Bylaws and proposing revision for consideration at the 2018 AGM.

  • BE IT RESOLVED that the 2018 AGM to be held in January 2018 in conjunction with the inaugural Canadian Dental Student Conference.

  • BE IT RESOLVED that the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations be incorporated federally under the NFP Act.

Submitted to the FCDSA Council, June 2017
Khashayar Gharavi (Toronto '17), FCDSA President

Report on the CDA Annual General Meeting, April 2017

I had the opportunity to attend the Canadian Dental Association (CDA) Annual General Meeting which was held in Ottawa in April. I represented the FCDSA at the AGM, and also had the pleasure to attend the Dentistry Leaders Forum, Awards Luncheon and the President’s Dinner.

At the AGM, in addition to its ongoing activities, the CDA board highlighted 5 short to medium-term priorities:

  1. Future of the profession and environmental scan: Future of the Dental Profession Task Force was created to foster the strategic adaptation of the profession to a changing environment by identifying trends and issues that are directly affecting the market and the profession.
  2. Claim transmission: maintain CDA’s position in the electronic claims market through CDAnet and ITRANS
  3. Insurance audits: the development of practices and framework for claims validation and audits
  4. Secure send: provide a user-friendly, electronic and secure document sending system for corporate members
  5. People with disabilities: develop advocacy and program strategies to enhance access to oral health care by people with disabilities

Voting on presented motions was done by the voting representatives. Then, members of the different provincial dental associations, the Canadian military as well as other dental groups all gave a brief speech presenting their projects and issues.

I had the opportunity to briefly address the members about the progress that we have made as a federation as well as the obstacles that we are facing. Some of the points that I brought up included:

  •  Our main goals for the year: seek sponsors and connect and educate dental students at the inaugural Canadian Dental Student Conference
  • Our most significant emerging issue: acquire adequate financial support for the conference in order to keep the it affordable and fruitful

 The meeting was concluded with the appointment of Dr. Larry Levin as the new president of the CDA. The CDA Awards Luncheon recognized Canadian dentists who have made significant contributions to the profession. At the CDA President’s Installation Dinner, many representatives of the CDA approached me and congratulated and encouraged the FCDSA members for our involvement in organized dentistry.

Submitted to the FCDSA Council, June 2017
Khashayar Gharavi (Toronto '17), FCDSA President