
The Executive of the federation is composed of the President; Vice President, Finance; Vice President, Research; and three (3) Regional Executive members: Executive member, Western Canada, Executive member, Central Canada and Executive member, Eastern Canada. The members of the Executive are elected by the members at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) from among the members of the Board of Directors serving during the AGM. Serving members of the Executive are currently enrolled in an undergraduate dentistry program. Regional Executive members are currently enrolled in an undergraduate dentistry program in their designated region. Members of the Executive hold office for a one-year term, from the conclusion of one AGM to the conclusion of the next AGM. To learn more about the role and responsibilities of the Executive, review section 12 of FCDSA Bylaw No. 1.

Current Executives (2021-2022)

President – Nima Laghapour Lighvan (Western '23)

Vice President, Finance – Emily Mundy (Western ‘25)

Vice President, Research & Education — Rehka Raveendrakumar (McGill '23)

Executive Member, Eastern Canada — Allister Mason (Dalhousie ‘24)

Executive Member, Central Canada – Christelle Tan (Manitoba ‘23)

Executive Member, Western Canada – Sarah Kowall (Saskatchewan ‘23)