What is FCDSA?

The Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations (FCDSA or simply “The Federation”) is the assembly of Canadian dentistry student associations at the 10 accredited Canadian DDS/DMD programs, incorporated on November 2, 2017 under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act. The Federation provides services and organizes activities which are beneficial to its member associations and represents a unified national student voice for Canada's 2000+ dentistry students.


To connect dentistry students in order to foster the sharing of common interests and challenges, advocate as a unified national student voice for the promotion of accessible, optimal dental education and patient care, and provide an avenue to introduce and involve students in organized dentistry.


To be a forum for a nationally integrated community enhancing the student experience in the dental profession.


The federation will provide services and organize activities which are beneficial to the member associations (as defined in paragraph 7.02 of General Bylaw No. 1) and as may be determined from time to time by the governing body.

Want More Information?

The Board of Directors has developed a PowerPoint presentation (English and French versions) for use by member association representatives when introducing the FCDSA to new and returning dentistry students at the yearly orientation and other events. To get the latest document, please send us a request using the Contact Form on this site.