External Communications Committee (ECC) Report to the 2015 AGM
Membership: Bryce Tung (Dalhousie ’17) – Chair, Nada Tabbara (Western ’17), Dean Smith (CDA) - consultant
CDA staff worked to identify the best web solution. The goal was to find a solution which allowed for the site to be initially populated by the CDA and FCDSA Secretariat staff but updated by volunteers in the future. The solution identified was Squarespace.
Since the 2014 AGM, the ECC focused on a single project - developing website content.
This work was done by a few members of the Website Development Team (a group which now reports to the EEC), especially Linda Lan (Alberta ’15) and the CDA and FCDSA Secretariat staff.
The website FCDSA.ca is now ready for its official launch at the FCDSA 2015 AGM. While it was hoped to have a bilingual website, the cost of translating content was prohibitive.
Summary and Reflection
Developing website content is difficult and time consuming and requires a team of individuals who are dedicated to not only developing that content but also dedicated to ensuring content remains current and correct as time goes by. Regular reviews and updates will be required going forward and we need to ensure we have the people who are ready, willing and able to do the work.
While we celebrate the launch of the FCDSA website, we believe it is important for a national federation to have a bilingual site. It is hoped that the FCDSA will be successful in raising the needed funds to make this a reality in the coming year.
The ECC would like to thank Linda Lan, the CDA and FCDSA Secretariat staff for their efforts in bringing the site to life. The ECC looks forward to receiving feedback on the website structure and content.
Next Steps
- Initiate translation of web content once funding becomes available.
- Invite feedback on content and functionality, possibly using a survey.
- Using feedback received, troubleshoot problem areas and develop other content as needed.
- Establish protocol for forwarding issues identified on the issues identification section of the website to FCDSA officials for consideration when developing policies and planning activities.
- Establish a regular cycle of review and revision to ensure website content is current and accurate.
Proposed Resolutions
There are no proposed resolutions to be brought forward to Council.