Mock OSCE Exam
Instructions for access to the OSCE site and the site itself are in both English and French. Site access is
gained by the use of your institution's e-mail address.
English instructions
To access OSCE Exam, go to and follow the instructions below.
Inquiries for technical difficulties should be sent to
Click on the Mock OSCE Exam link
Click on Register Here
Type in your institution's e-mail address as your username. An example from Dalhousie is shown above. Choose a simple password. Click on the Submit button.
You will receive an e-mail confirming successful registration. Click on the link to activate your account and
log in to the site.
Click on the link indicated in the e-mail.
Click on the Click here to get started. link.
Click on The OSCE 1 link to take the test. Faculty members can click on the OSCE Question Development
link to contribute to question bank as a content expert.