Internal Communications Committee (ICC) Report to the 2015 AGM
Membership: Nada Tabbara (Western ’17) – Chair, Lindsay Orser (Alberta ’17), Daniel Salloum (Saskatchewan ’17), Deborah Niles (CDSPI) – consultant, Dean Smith (CDA) - consultant
Since the last AGM, the IIC has focused on three projects:
- Logo design and branding
- Posting items of interest to the FCDSA Facebook page
The Executive worked with Monique Bouchard of the FCDSA Secretariat and Deborah Niles, CDSPI Manager, Marketing and Communications to develop and consider alternatives to the proposed logos presented to the Council in 2013.
For the Facebook page, articles of interest were mined from various sources, including news items received from the CDA Oasis discussion, the CDA public affairs team and the ADA Morning Huddle.
Staff receives weekly insight reports on the Facebook page, specifically regarding likes, post reach and engagement. The page continues to gain an audience and has 408 “likes” as of June 10, 2015. All Council members are invited to visit the page and “Like” the page if you haven’t already done so.
The Executive considered three sets of logo designs, from which they have selected four for consideration by the Council at the 2015 AGM:
There is an error in the French acronym.
Summary and Reflection
Work on the logo has been challenging as everyone wants to find the “perfect” logo. This is difficult, if not impossible, for any organization, but we believe it is important to select a logo which best represents the organization at this stage in its development. The Executive is hopeful that the logo options proposed will meet with the Council’s approval and that a final selection can be made during this meeting.
The audience for the Facebook page is growing but more work is needed to identify items of interest for posting to the page. Currently, most of the postings are done by staff and we would like to have more student involvement in posting.
Next Steps
- Council to select a logo.
- Incorporate the logo into the Facebook page and website design.
- Develop letterhead, business cards and PowerPoint presentation template.
- Increase student participation in posting to the Facebook page.
- Continue to invite new students to “like” the Facebook page.
Proposed Resolutions
BE IT RESOLVED that the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations (FCDSA) adopt the official logo design as specified below: (As determined by the Council)