Council Invitation Working Group (CIWG)
Terms of Reference
To determine which organizations or individuals are to be invited to meetings of the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations (FCDSA) Council.
Examine Election Protocols of other organizations to determine best practices.
Develop a draft Election Protocol for submission to the Executive for review.
The Committee will consist of three (3) members of the Council.
The Working Group will hold electronic meetings and/or conference calls as needed in consultation with the Chair and staff.
The Working Group will submit a draft report to the Executive for review within the next six months (by December 31, 2012) so that a final report might be circulated to the Council for approval and use prior to the next Annual General Meeting.
Staff Support
Staff support is available through the FCDSA Secretariat.
Objectives and composition approved by FCDSA Council June 16, 2012
Final Report Submitted to Council June 15, 2013. List of invitees amended by the Council June 21, 2014.