Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations
held June 21, 2014 in Albion Room A & B, Novotel, Ottawa, Ontario
- François Bélanger, Association des étudiants (es) en médecine dentaire de l’Université de Montréal
- Frédéric Bouchard, Association des étudiants de médecine dentaire de l'Université Laval
- Toufic Boulos, Association des étudiants (es) en médecine dentaire de l’Université de Montréal
- Simon-Olivier Brault, Association des étudiants de médecine dentaire de l'Université Laval
- Reza Entezarion, University of British Columbia (UBC) Faculty of Dentistry Dental Undergraduate Society
- Hayley Faulkner, Dental Student Society of the University of Toronto
- Chloe Fung, McGill University Dental Students' Society
- Khashayar Gharavi, Dental Student Society of the University of Toronto
- Danielle Gray, Saskatchewan Dental Student Society
- Nazanin Hojjati, McGill University Dental Students' Society
- Linda Lan, University of Alberta Dental Students Association
- Victor Le, Manitoba Dental Students' Association
- Soroush Liaghat, University of British Columbia (UBC) Faculty of Dentistry Dental Undergraduate Society
- Shannon Munsie, University of Western Ontario Dental Student Society
- Lindsay Orser, University of Alberta Dental Students Association
- Heather Patry, Dalhousie Dentistry Students' Society
- Daniel Salloum, Saskatchewan Dental Student Society
- Nada Tabbara, University of Western Ontario Dental Student Society
- Bryce Tung, Dalhousie Dentistry Students' Society
- Sunny Virdi, Manitoba Dental Students' Association
- Kristopher Mendoza, President, American Student Dental Association (ASDA)
- Dr. Daniel Haas, President, Association of Canadian Faculties of Dentistry (ACFD)
- Susan Roberts, Vice-President, Insurance Advisory Services, CDSPI
- Kim Phillips, Manager, Registrations, National Dental Examining Board of Canada
- Dr. Richard Holden, Board of Directors, Canadian Dental Association
- Dr. Benoit Soucy, Director, Clinical and Scientific Affairs, Canadian Dental Association
- Monique Bouchard, Coordinator, Education, Canadian Dental Association
1. Welcome and Opening Remarks
Since due notice of the meeting had been given and a quorum was present, the Chairperson called the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations (FCDSA) to order at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 21, 2014 in the Albion Room A & B of the Novotel, Ottawa, Ontario. Ms. Shannon Munsie acted as Chairperson and Ms. Monique Bouchard acted as Recording Secretary.
Ms. Munsie welcomed the Council members and the guests/observers to the meeting. The Council members expressed their thanks to CDSPI for once again sponsoring the AGM. All were welcomed to participate in discussions.
2. Adoption of the Agenda
The agenda was adopted as circulated. It was noted that the program was flexible so that additional time could be allotted for further discussion of any particular item if needed.
3. Leadership and Organizations
Mr. Claude Paul Boivin, Executive Director of the Canadian Dental Association (CDA), presented a mini-leadership seminar covering the following aspects of leadership. Detailed notes on the presentation will be made available to all Council members. Here is a summary of the topics discussed.
- Characteristics of a leader
- Aspects of exhibiting good leadership
- Leaders who wear multiple hats
- Responsibilities of a Board (including volunteers) vs Corporate (staff)
- The four Ds of strategic planning: discover, dream, design, deploy
- Elements of Strategic Planning:
- Mission – why we exist
- Vision – where are we going
- Priorities – what’s most important
- Strategies – how to get there
- Action – what to do Monday
- A model for identifying priority projects:
- Priority 1 project – fully resourced, fully funded - aka Must Do
- Priority 2 project – partially resourced, partially funded - aka Should Do
- Priority 3 project – not resourced, not funded - aka Could Do
4. Planning Session
Detailed notes on the planning session will be made available to all Council members. Here is a summary of the decisions made.
4.1 Review of Mission and Vision
Council reviewed the FCDSA Mission and Vision:
The mission of the federation is to connect dentistry students in order to foster the sharing of common interests and challenges, advocate as a unified national student voice for the promotion of accessible, optimal dental education and patient care, and provide an avenue to introduce and involve students in organized dentistry.
The vision of the federation is to be a forum for a nationally integrated community enhancing the student experience in the dental profession.
4.2 Confirmation of Stakeholders
Council discussed what stakeholders should be considered when planning.
4.3 Establishment of Priorities
Each Council member identified three priorities for FCDSA and then selected their top priority. Priorities were discussed and themes were identified. Council members then added their remaining two priorities to the appropriate themes. The following were identified as the priorities of the Council:
Priority 1 – Connect Connect all students under the FCDSA, Be a meeting place for individual students.
Priority 2 – Advocate Be a credible voice for students at the national level.
4.4 Sketching of Strategies
Discussion of Connecting / Creating a United Community:
- To create a united community, you need to ensure you take the pulse of your member associations to understand what is important to them, and then manage those issues.
- In order to connect with FCDSA, students must first be aware of FCDSA and then become engaged.
- In 5 years, Council wants to:
- Have every student in Canada connected to the Federation.
- Have a well-used online pathway.
- Have more student involvement from our member associations, supported by faculties.
- Generate ideas that can be implemented.
- Be so connected with the membership that the President can speak with confidence on behalf of the federation.
- Then, they can say, they speak with a common voice on common issues.
Discussion of Advocacy:
- This requires careful issues management so that the Council is knowledgeable.
- Committees can monitor issues and report back to the Council on findings and recommendations.
Priorities and Fundraising Efforts
- Our fund raising efforts must be connected with our priorities.
This planning session would continue in the afternoon, where Council members would work on actualizing the strategies by identifying resources needed and developing concrete action plans.
5. Approval of Minutes – June 15, 2013
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations held June 15, 2013 be approved.
Any matters arising from the minutes were discussed during the course of the meeting.
6. The Year in Review – A Report from the Executive
Ms. Munsie delivered The Year in Review – A Report from the Executive, containing updates on activities and actions taken by the Executive and Committees/Working Groups since the last Annual General Meeting.
Here are some highlights from the report:
- Shannon Munsie and Toufic Boulos attended the NDEB Annual Meeting in October 2013.
- Shannon Munsie attended the CDA Annual General Meeting in April 2014.
- Heather Patry attended the ASDA Leadership Conference in October 2013.
- CDSPI agreed to sponsor the 2014 AGM.
- FCDSA and NDEB drafted an agreement for mutual representation at annual meetings, including a yearly grant from NDEB to FCDSA.
- FCDSA established its own bank account.
Meeting resources included the following reports/documents:
- Summary of Activities – June 2013 – June 2014
- Report on the 2013 planning tasks as recorded in the minutes of the June 15, 2013 meeting
- FCDSA Financial Report for the financial year ended December 31, 2013
- Report on the ASDA Leadership Conference, October 2013.
The Executive proposed a number of amendments to the current list of organizations invited to the FCDSA Annual General Meeting.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the following amendments be made to the list of organizations to be invited to the FCDSA Annual General Meeting:
In descending order of priority, the following organizations be invited to send one or two representative(s) to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations (FCDSA) as observers:
- Canadian Dental Association (CDA)
- American Student Dental Association (ASDA)
- National Dental Examining Board (NDEB)
- Canadian Dental Regulatory Authorities Federation (CDRAF)
- Association of Canadian Faculties of Dentistry (ACFD)
- Federation of Canadian Medical Students (FCMS)
- Student Professional and Ethics Association (SPEA)
- Emerging Health Leaders (EHL)
- Central Veterinary Student Association (CVSA)
Funding for travel and accommodation will be provided only if funds are available. Otherwise, organization representatives are invited to attend at their own expense.
The Executive presented a proposed agreement between FCDSA and the National Dental Examining Board (NDEB). Both organizations will invite two representatives to their annual meetings and NDEB has agreed to provide a yearly grant of $4000.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the proposed Agreement between the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations (FCDSA) and the National Dental Examining Board (NDEB) be approved.
This year, it wasn’t possible for FCDSA to send anyone to the American Student Dental Association National Leadership Conference. Dalhousie University was good enough to provide partial funding in order for Heather Patry (Dalhousie ’15), Regional Councillor – Eastern Canada to attend. Ms. Patry presented a report on the event and the Council considered a position statement with a view to encouraging schools to send student leaders to the event in the future.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations (FCDSA) finds the ASDA National Leadership Conference (NLC) to be an important and beneficial leadership training opportunity which contributes to the development of future leaders in the dental profession and in the many areas of organized dentistry. As such, the FCDSA encourages the attendance of representatives from its member associations to future ASDA National Leadership Conferences.
7. Presentations / Updates from Invited Organizations – Part 1
Three of the invited organizations made presentations, followed by a question period.
7.1 Association of Canadian Faculties of Dentistry (ACFD)
Dr. Daniel Haas, President of the Association of Canadian Faculties of Dentistry (ACFD) briefed the Council on the goals and activities of the ACFD. Three goals have been identified in relation to students:
- Need to talk directly to students – this meeting is a chance for the two organizations to begin to work together
- Student affairs – the need to identify issues which ACFD can discuss with students
- Academia as a career – this is an opportunity to open dialogue on this very valuable and enriching career option
7.2 American Student Dental Association (ASDA)
Kristopher Mendoza, President of the American Student Dental Association (ASDA) outlined ASDA’s approach to engaging dentistry students in advocacy by providing a platform to facilitate the process. This has brought some success with ASDA representatives meeting with members of the US Congress. He also spoke of the next ASDA National Leadership Conference, to be held in Chicago, October 31–November 2, 2014. His message was that change will not come if we wait for it. We must be instruments of the change we want.
The Council observed a moment of silence in memory of Jiwon Lee, past president of ASDA who attended the 2013 FCDSA Annual General Meeting and whose participation and support was so valued.
7.3 Canadian Dental Association (CDA)
Dr. Richard Holden, member of the Canadian Dental Association (CDA) Board of Directors explained that CDA’s hope is that FCDSA will grow to serve students across Canada. He recalled his early involvement in organized dentistry and commended Council members for joining the FCDSA, predicting that those who are involved will likely have an impact on this constantly changing profession.
CDA is working with FCDSA to get the student perspective/input via the website, OASIS discussions and the new CDA Essentials magazine. CDA is also planning to launch better ways to access its information. Together, we hope to lay the groundwork for the next leaders.
8. Reports from Committees and Working Groups
The committees and working groups have been working to achieve their mandated tasks. Each group made a presentation, which included recommendations for consideration of the Council.
8.1 Finance Committee
Toufic Boulos, Chair of the Finance Committee (FC), reported on the work of the committee and spoke to a number of the committee’s proposed resolutions:
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the proposed activity plan for 2014-2015 be approved as presented.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the fiscal year-end of the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations (FCDSA) be set at December 31.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the Financial Statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2013 be accepted as presented.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the FCDSA Travel Expense Policy be approved, as amended.
8.2 Internal Communications Committee
Heather Patry, Chair of the Internal Communications Committee (ICC), presented the committee’s report, which included a number of proposed resolutions:
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that members of the FCDSA Council continue to invite students from their respective schools to “Like” the FCDSA Facebook page and that they strive to post member association news, awards, and other items of interest.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that members of the FCDSA Council promote student awareness of the FCDSA by planning events or other opportunities where they can share the FCDSA PowerPoint presentation with incoming first year students. Council members are also asked to share their experiences on Facebook and with the Secretariat so that other members might benefit from best practices.
8.3 External Communications Committee
Linda Lan, Chair of the External Communications Committee (ECC), reported on the work of the committee and spoke to the committee’s proposed resolutions:
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that that the terms of reference for the Website Development Team (WDT) be amended so that the WDT reports to the External Communications Committee.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the membership of the composition of the External Communications Committee be increased to four members (including the Chairperson) plus staff/other consultants as needed.
Note: This [the above] resolution was rescinded later in the meeting.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the Website Development Team continue to develop content for the website based on feedback received.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the following be adopted as the official email address for initial contact with FCDSA: secretariat@fcdsa.ca
And that other “alias” email addresses be established by the Executive as needed for the efficient and effective conduct of FCDSA business.
8.4 Website Development Team
Linda Lan, Chair of the Website Development Team, reported that initial English content was now available and that the website should be launched in the next few weeks.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that one of the members of the Executive be appointed to serve on the Website Development Team.
8.5 International Dental Student Conference Feasibility Working Group
Toufic Boulos, Chair of the International Dental Student Conference Feasibility Working Group (IDSC WG), reported on the research done so far to gauge interest in having FCDSA becoming involved at some level in the existing International Dental Student Conference. Response to the survey of member associations, including past IDSC organizers, was low, with only 25 responses received. While respondents expressed varying degrees of support for FCDSA involvement, there is still not enough information available to make recommendations.
The Council considered the need to extend the mandate of the working group to allow more time for research, consultation and consideration. In addition, the working group was renamed to reflect the Council’s wish to have the group explore various conference models.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the IDSC Feasibility Working Group be renamed the Dental Student Conference Feasibility Working Group, that the mandate be amended to include the exploration of other conference models, and that the Working Group mandate be extended until the FCDSA 2015 Annual General Meeting, at which time it will present its final report.
9. Actualizing Our Strategies
Continuing from the work done during the morning planning session, Council members examined the set priorities and related strategies in order to formulate concrete plans for reaching their goals. This session was lead by Dr. Benoit Soucy, CDA Director, Clinical and Scientific Affairs.
9.1 Identification of Resources Required
The identification of resources required for any action plans was deferred until after development of the action plans. Such resources might include funding and volunteers required (committees, working groups, etc) in order to actualize the strategies and related action plans.
9.2 Development of Action Plans
It was agreed that FCDSA needs to reach its goals in incremental steps so that we make steady progress.
The Council reviewed the priorities identified during the morning session. For each priority, Council identified possible strategies and adopted one strategy statement. Council then developed an action plan for each strategy.
- Priority 1 – Connect: Connect all students under the FCDSA. / Be a meeting place for individual students.
- Strategy: Increase awareness of and student engagement in FCDSA
- Action Plan: Heather Patry agreed to identify Council members who would serve as lead.
Action Steps - Timetable - Assignments
- 1. Host event at each school to introduce/update students to FCDSA - Decide when/who’s responsible/how/where - Fall 2014 - Each pair of Council members
- 2.. Develop an elevator pitch - Timetable to be determined - Assignment(s) to be determined
- 3. Discover student needs - Timetable to be determined - Assignment(s) to be determined
- 4. Update the PowerPoint presentation for use during school events - August 1 - Hayley Faulkner
- 5. Create/increase options for continuous connection/contact/input - Timetable to be determined - Assignment to be determined
- 6. Increase engagement of Council through ongoing communication
- 6a. Discussion threads – try Facebook for one month - July 1 - Toufic Boulos. After 1 month, might try SharePoint discussion boards - August 1 - Monique Bouchard
- 6b. Monthly Executive reports to Council (*) - August 1 on - Toufic Boulos
- 6c. Monthly Committee Chair reports to Council (*) - August 1 on - Hayley Faulkner (FC), Nada Tabbara (ICC), Bryce Tung (ECC), Linda Lan (WDT), Hayley Faulkner (DSCF WG)
- 6d. Regional Councillors to set up regular discussion calls with schools within their regions - Timetable to be determined - Reza Entezarion (RC-WC), Khashayar Gharavi (RC-CC), Nazanin Hojjati (RC-EC)
(*) It was suggested that reports should be done using the same format as the report to the AGM: activities, results, summary and reflection, next steps. Reports should always include reports on previous next steps, including those in the 2013 AGM reports.
- Priority 2 – Advocate: Be a credible voice for students at the national level.
- Strategy: Increase knowledge of issues of importance.
- Action Plan: Heather Patry agreed to identify Council members who would serve as lead.
Action Steps - Timetable - Assignments
- 1. Free/open council discussion on issues - Timetable to be determined - Assignments to be determined
- 2. Committees to monitor issues and report back to Council - Timetable to be determined - Assignments to be determined
9.3 Committee and Working Group Appointments
It was agreed that the committee and working group appointments would be considered after the election of the new Executive.
10. Presentations / Updates from Invited Organizations - Part 2
Two more of the invited organizations made presentations, followed by a question period.
10.1 CDSPI
Ms. Susan Roberts, Vice-President, Insurance Advisory Services, CDSPI, briefed the Council on the various services available to students, including:
- Financial planning advice
- Insurance and investment solutions specifically designed for dentists
- No cost undergraduate insurance package
- Personal support
CDSPI was also happy to once again provide funding for this AGM.
10.2 National Dental Examining Board of Canada (NDEB)
Ms. Kim Phillips, Manager, Registrations for the National Dental Examining Board of Canada (NDEB), gave an overview of the NDEB activities, and the written report included a fee schedule for graduates of accredited dental programs, November 2013–October 2014.
11. Election of Executive
11.1 Candidate Speeches
Candidates for the Executive were invited to make short speeches prior to the election.
11.2 Election
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that Dr. Benoit Soucy and Ms. Monique Bouchard serve as scrutineers for the election.
The following were elected to the Executive:
- Toufic Boulos, President
- Hayley Faulkner, Vice-President
- Reza Entezarion, Regional councillor - Western Canada
- Khashayar Gharavi, Regional councillor - Central Canada
- Nazanin Hojjati, Regional councillor - Eastern Canada
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the ballots related to the 2014 Election be destroyed by the scrutineers.
12. Committee and Working Group Appointments
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the composition of the Website Development Team be increased to four members (including the Chairperson) plus staff/other consultants as needed.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the following be appointed to the Finance Committee for 2014-2015:
- Chair: Hayley Faulkner (Vice-president)
- 4 Members: Toufic Boulos, Khashayar Gharavi, Nazanin Hojjati, Bryce Tung
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the following be appointed to the Internal Communications Committee for 2014-2015:
- Chair: Nada Tabbara
- 3 Members: Hayley Faulkner, Daniel Salloum, Lindsay Orser
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the following be appointed to the External Communications Committee for 2014-2015:
- Chair: Bryce Tung
- 1 Member: Nada Tabbara
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the following be appointed to the Website Development Team for 2014-2015:
- Chair: Linda Lan
- 4 Members: Chloe Fung, Danielle Gray, Sunny Virdi, Soroush Liaghat
- Executive liaison: Reza Entezarion
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the following be appointed to the Dental Student Conference Feasibility Working Group for 2014-2015:
- Chair: Hayley Faulkner
- 2 Members: Francois Belanger, Simon-Olivier Brault , Nada Tabbara
13. Banking Resolution, Signing Documents, Verification and Identification
At the last AGM, Council passed a number of resolutions to set up its own bank account. As many Council members change at each AGM, it is necessary to pass the resolution every year and get the appropriate banking documentation signed. Verification of identification for new signatories will be done in person at the local branches of the new members of the Executive.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations (FCDSA) designate TD Commercial Banking as the bank with which FCDSA will transact banking business, as outlined in the form of resolution provided by TD Canada Trust and attached to these minutes as Appendix I, and that such form resolution is approved.
A resolution is required to appoint the new members of the Executive to operate the bank account. This means that they will be able to sign cheques and other banking documents, along with the other signatories appointed last year: Dr. Benoit Soucy and Monique Bouchard. For each cheque or banking document, Council decided that there needed to be two signatories, and at least one of those signatories has to be a member of the Executive.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the following specific individuals be appointed to operate the account based on their election to the Executive of the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations (FCDSA):
- Toufic Boulos, President
- Hayley Faulkner, Vice-President
- Reza Entezarion, Regional councillor - Western Canada
- Khashayar Gharavi, Regional councillor - Central Canada
- Nazanin Hojjati, Regional councillor - Eastern Canada
14. Next Meeting
The Council considered when the next Annual General Meeting should be scheduled. Council members will be asked to identify dates of graduation ceremonies and social events and the Secretariat will investigate availability of meeting and guest rooms.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the next Annual General Meeting of the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations (FCDSA) be held in the spring of 2015 at a date to be confirmed by the Executive.
The Secretariat will work to identify an appropriate date that is the most convenient and to secure appropriate meeting space and accommodation.
15. Adjournment
Toufic Boulos, incoming President, addressed the gathering and thanked everyone for their contributions throughout the day. He expressed special thanks to Shannon Munsie, the outgoing President, for her efforts during the past year.
Before adjourning the meeting, Council extended its congratulations to the graduating members:
- from Laval University, Dr. Fréderic Bouchard,
- from the University of Manitoba, Dr. Victor Le,
- and from Western University, Dr. Shannon Munsie.
As there was no other business to discuss, the meeting ended at 4:30 p.m.
Shannon Munsie, President
Monique Bouchard, Recording Secretary