Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations
held June 13, 2017 in the Salon des Gouverneurs, Fairmont Chateau Frontenac, Québec, Québec
- Marie-Claude Bourgeois, L’Association des étudiants (es) en Médecine Dentaire de l’Université de Montréal
- Jennifer Branch, University of Western Ontario Dental Student Society
- Huei Cheung, Manitoba Dental Students' Association
- Kerri-Lyn Chong, University of British Columbia Faculty of Dentistry Dental Undergraduate Society
- Julie Delcorde, Dental Student Society of the University of Toronto
- Kelsey Eatmon, Dalhousie Dentistry Students' Society
- Khashayar Gharavi, Dental Student Society of the University of Toronto
- Andréann Guillemette, L’Association des étudiants (es) en Médecine Dentaire de l’Université de Montréal
- Jihyun Han, Manitoba Dental Students' Association
- Da In Kim, University of Alberta Dental Students Association
- Ji Min Lim, University of Alberta Dental Students Association
- Ivy Fangyu Lin, McGill University Dental Students' Society
- Philippe Martin, Association des étudiants de médecine dentaire de l'Université Laval
- Liam McQuaid, Dalhousie Dentistry Students' Society
- Natalie Pollock, McGill University Dental Students' Society
- Hammad Qasim, Saskatchewan Dental Student Society
- Nada Tabbara, University of Western Ontario Dental Student Society
- Mary Tait, Saskatchewan Dental Student Society
- Isabelle Vignault, Association des étudiants de médecine dentaire de l'Université Laval
- Matthew Yeung, University of British Columbia Faculty of Dentistry Dental Undergraduate Society
- Dr. Paul Allison (McGill), President, Association of Canadian Faculties of Dentistry
- Dr. Joel Antel, Board of Directors and Liaison to FCDSA, Canadian Dental Association
- Donna Bierko, Coordinator, Corporate Affairs, Canadian Dental Association (for FCDSA Secretariat)
- Claude Paul Boivin, Executive Director, Canadian Dental Association
- Zane Haji, Regent for Canada, The Student Professionalism and Ethics Association
- Dr. Diane Legault, President, Canadian Dental Regulatory Authorities Federation
- Dr. Larry Levin, President, Canadian Dental Association
- Tanya Sue Maestas, President, American Student Dental Association
- Kim Phillips, Manager Communications, The National Dental Examining Board
- Susan Roberts, Vice-President, Insurance Advisory Services, CDSPI
- r. Benoit Soucy, Director, Clinical and Scientific Affairs, Canadian Dental Association
1. Welcome and Opening Remarks
Since due notice of the meeting had been given and a quorum was present, the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations (FCDSA) was called to order at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, June 13, 2017 in the Salon de Gouverneurs of the Fairmont Château Frontenac, Quebec, City, Quebec. Mr. Khashayar Gharavi (Toronto ’17) acted as Chairperson and Ms. Donna Bierko acted as Recording Secretary.
Mr. Gharavi welcomed the Council members and the guests/observers to the meeting.
The Council members expressed its to ACFD for having invited FCDSA to hold its AGM and Planning Session in conjunction with their biennial conference. The Council thanked CDSPI and ACFD for their generous financial support of these meetings. Thanks also went to the Canadian Dental Association for its ongoing support in hosting the FCDSA Secretariat and providing logistical and other administrative support.
All AGM participants were invited to participate in discussions. Mr. Gharavi informed the group of the objectives for the meeting:
- Hear reports from our Council committees,
- Hear presentations and have discussions with guests from seven national and international dental organization.
- Review and re-evaluate FCDSA our goals and objectives.
- Make some important decisions about some new projects starting in 2018.
- Elect the new Executive that will lead the charge for 2017-2018.
Mr. Gharavi noted that at the end of the day, the council will want to have completed the following items:
- Know the FCDSA areas of focus for the coming year as well as into the future, and
- Be prepared for tomorrow’s planning session.
2. Adoption of the Agenda
The agenda was adopted as circulated.
3. Approval of Minutes – June 18, 2016 and June 19, 2016
The Council considered the minutes from the 2016 Annual General Meeting of the FCDSA as well as the minutes from the June 19, 2016 council meeting.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations held June 18, 2016 be approved.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations Council held June 19, 2016 be approved.
Matters arising from the minutes will be discussed during the meeting.
4. Notes from Council Planning Session - June 19, 2016
The Council received the notes from the June 19, 2016 Planning Session.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the notes of the Planning Session of Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations Council held June 19, 2016 be received.
Matters arising from the notes will be discussed during the AGM or the Planning Session as needed.
5. The Year in Review – A Report from the Executive
Mr. Gharavi delivered The Year in Review – A Report from the Executive, containing updates on activities and actions taken by the Executive and Committees/Working Groups since the last Annual General Meeting.
The following highlights were noted:
- There has been progress on the three federation goals to Connect, Engage and Advocate.
- The Dental Student Conference Committee, formed in 2016, has secured a site for the 2018 conference and is working on developing the conference program.
- The Finance Committee is focusing on reaching out to potential sponsors for the 2018 Canadian Dental Student Conference (CDSC).
- The Executive held extensive discussions on the benefits of incorporation under the Canada Not-for-Profit Act and a recommendation will be made to Council later in the meeting.
- ·The audience for the Facebook page and website continues to grow. Both will be important modes of communication to advertise the 2018 conference as well as other items of interest to students. The translation of the website has been pushed to this year and work continues on the development of the website content and reorganization as needed.
- FCDSA continues to work with John O’Keefe of CDA Oasis to develop content of interest to students.
- FCDSA representatives attended meetings of NDEB and CDA. Mr. Gharavi continues to serve on the CDSPI Advisory Panel. Mr. Gharavi and Ms. Delcorde will attend the ACFD Annual General Meeting on Wednesday. Due to budget limitations, it was not possible to attend ASDA this year.
- This year’s meetings include a few new features, including an information Council Round Table, an ACFD Panel Discussion with representatives of all four ACFD standing committees, and a presentation by SPEA. This shows the advantage of meeting in conjunction with other events and organizations.
- FCDSA held its second Virtual Town Hall meeting, this time in collaboration with NDEB. The video of this event will soon appear on the NDEB site.
- FCDSA continues to be represented at the CDA AGM. The April 2017 meeting included discussions related to the Future of the Profession. It was noted that CDA has created a Task Force to review this matter. This is something that is important for the students.
6. Reports from Committees
6.1 Finance Committee
Ivy Lin, Chairperson of the Finance Committee (FC), presented the committee’s report.
The FC continues to establish and build relationships with current and potential sponsors. Two sponsorship packages are now in use, one of which focuses specifically on the Canadian Dental Student Conference.
The 2016 AGM was sponsored by CDSPI and came in under budget by $8,221.01. CDSPI agreed that the FCDSA can use $8,200 of that amount for the 2018 CDSC hotel reservation deposit. The 2016 Financial Report shows a year-end surplus of $2,232.02. Assets, including cash, accounts receivable and prepaid expenses, total $18,447.18. It was noted that representatives from the FCDSA attended the CDA AGM and the NDEB AGM. In both cases, the expenses for the attendance of FCDSA representatives was covered by the host organizations.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the Financial Statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2016 be accepted as presented.
The Council considered the activity plan, including the adjusted budget for 2017 and the preliminary budget for 2018. For 2017, the AGM is being sponsored by CDSPI and the Planning Session is being sponsored by ACFD. Thanks to both organizations for their generosity.
It was noted that the 2018 CDSC budget would be presented separately. The 2018 AGM revenue and expenses might be moved to that separate budget. So far, the sponsorship campaign for the CDSC has secured $19,700 (including $8,200 from CDSPI) towards the $100,000 goal.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the activity plan including the adjusted budget for 2017 and the preliminary budget for 2018 be approved as presented.
The FC proposed several revisions to the FCDSA Travel Expense Policy.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the revised FCDSA Travel Expense Policy be approved as presented.
The FC report identified the following next steps for the coming year:
- Finish initial contact with new sponsors, with a focus on the larger companies and banks.
- Follow up with large companies that are still undecided.
- Follow up with sponsors that have already been secured to ensure that they are kept informed of the progression of the event organization.
- Develop a method to work closer together with the CDSC Committee.
- Consider holding the AGM at the CDSC in 2018 to save on AGM costs.
- Select a method to collect a membership fee for the FCDSA. Need to further investigate the membership fee option is required.
- Revise the time dedication by the Secretariat and develop methods for the FCDSA to become more independent from the Secretariat to avoid surpassing the allotted CDA staff time.
- Continue working to develop a sustainable financial model.
6.2 dental student conference Committee
Julie Delcorde, Chairperson of the Dental Student Conference Committee (DSCC), presented the Committee’s report. Here are some highlights of the report:
- The inaugural Canadian Dental Student Conference (CDSC) will be held January 11-14, 2018 at the Westin Harbour Castle in Toronto, Ontario.
- ·Space includes one main room (for plenary talks and formal dinner), 5 break-out rooms, a large lobby area for registration and exhibits, and office space.
- Minimum hotel room booking is 255 hotel rooms over 3 days. Venue room costs increase if minimum hotel room pickup is not met.
- Registration target is 560 (including 340 visiting). Registration will open early September.
- Conference program will include the following:
- plenary/keynote speakers
- hands-on demonstrations
- a national dental student research competition
- faculty researcher and clinician lecture series
- learning activities (eg. preparing for the NDEB Board exams)
- other sessions and discussion forums
- social events
- FCDSA AGM and Planning Session (to be approved by Council
Ms. Delcorde presented the preliminary budget for the event. Mr. Gharavi noted that further work needs to be done on the preliminary budget. Once this is completed, the preliminary budget will be presented to the Executive and approved. In accordance with the Terms of Reference, this would then need to go to Council.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the Terms of Reference for the Dental Student Conference Committee be approved.
The DSCC report identified the following priorities for the coming year:
- Ensuring that adequate sponsorship is attained should be a priority of the FCDSA on a whole, and not just the Finance committee since this influences conference budget and events
- There needs to be more communication between the Conference planning, Finance and Executive committees
- More frequent and joint meetings are suggested
- Representatives from each committee should be present at the other committees meetings
- The role of the LAC has to be specified, as they are currently carrying out the majority of conference planning
- The role of LAC members must be specified and the Terms of Reference updates
- LAC must have the ability to make some decisions to expedite planning
- We have to determine the best way to use the large LAC team to make conference planning as simple as possible
- Contact the Deans of each dental school to get excused absences for attending students
6.3 External Communications Committee
Kelsey Eatmon, Chairperson of the External Communications Committee (ECC), presented the committee’s report.
The report included a summary of ECC activities since the last AGM:
- Increased content and graphics provided by member associations/student societies.
- Worked with Internal Communications Committee (ICC) to produce introductory video for website and local presentations.
- Identified website areas needing development and plans for decreasing redundancy and making the site more user friendly.
- Further discussed ways to translate content.
The ECC report identified the following next steps for the coming year:
- Train committee members to edit square space and make resources available to future ECCs.
- Work with the Dental Student Conference Committee as needed to determine needs for and establish website format and content for the 2018 Canadian Dental Student Conference.
- Make the proposed changes to the website outlined by the ECC to increase functionality and decrease repetitive content.
- Find ways to engage and connect students with the website.
- Translation of the FCDSA website.
- Modify and distribute survey for member associations to obtain feedback on the content and functionality of website once desired changes are made.
- Establish protocol for forwarding issues identified on the issues identification section of the website to FCDSA officials for consideration when developing policies and planning activities. Work with ICC as needed.
- Establish an effective way to communicate between committee members to work on projects as a team and stay updated on progression of tasks (possibly with asana)
- Establish a regular cycle of review and revision to ensure website contact is current and accurate.
Kerri-Lyn Chong, member of the Internal Communications Committee (ICC), presented the committee’s report.
The report included a summary of ICC activities since the last AGM:
- Worked with ECC to produce introductory video for website and local presentations.
- Updated FCDSA PowerPoint presentation
- Significant increase in number of people engage in Facebook page
- Regular Facebook postings
- Explored options to organize a Facebook contest
- Participated in the first National Forum and propose ways to improve it
The ICC report identified the following next steps for the coming year:
- Increase student participation in posting to the Facebook page by setting up a system for identifying external sources for postings and post submission by students.
- Reinstate posts featuring committee members and student leaders on the Facebook page to increase visibility.
- Regularly acknowledge committee members who have contributed outstanding work to the FCDSA.
- Work with the finance committee to organize contests on the Facebook page to increase its visibility.
- Conduct survey among member associations to identify issues that FCDSA can potentially tackle.
6.5 student wellness committee
Nada Tabbara, Chairperson of the Student Wellness Committee (SWC), presented the committee’s report.
The SWC identified the following next steps for the coming year:
- Investigate the possibility of partnering with the Canadian Federation of Medical Students to promote the National Wellness Month
- Investigate having one representative from each of the schools as part of the committee.
7. Presentations from Invited Organizations
Continuing from the work done during the morning planning session, Council members examined the set priorities and related strategies in order to formulate concrete plans for reaching their goals. This session was lead by Dr. Benoit Soucy, CDA Director, Clinical and Scientific Affairs.
7.1 American Student Dental Association
Ms. Tanya Sue Maestas, President of the American Student Dental Association (ASDA), provided an update on recent ASDA activities.
The presentation touched on the following areas:
- Mission statement, core values, and vision
- ASDA has more than 24,000 members, representing 93% market shar of dental students
- 2015-17 strategic plan goals include
- Establishment of a career resource center by 2017.
- Integrate ASDA National Dental Student Lobby Day with the ADA Washington Leadership Conference by 2017.
- Double predental membership to 4,000 by 2017.
- State dental associations will have a budget to support all in-state ASDA chapters by 2017.
- White paper on licensure
- Wellness Initiative
7.2 Student Professionalism and Ethics Association
Mr. Zane Haji, Regent for Canada for the Student Professionalism and Ethics Association (SPEA) made a presentation to the Council. The presentation touched on the following areas:
- The role of the association – to support the professionalism and ethics in the profession.
- The promotion of creating new chapters in Canada – currently, there are three chapters in Canada.
- SPEA offers sessions to the dental students that relate to the professionalism and ethics related to dentistry
7.3. Association of Canadian Faculties of Dentistry
Dr. Paul Allison, President of the Association of Canadian Faculties of Dentistry (ACFD) was unable to make a presentation to the Council. A report was included as part of the resources.
7.4. Canadian Dental Association
Dr. Larry Levin, President of for the Canadian Dental Association (CDA) gave an update on behalf of the CDA. The report touched on the following areas:
- Support that is offered to the FCDSA related to the secretariat and possible sessions that are available to the students
- Committee on the Identification of Future Dentists – this new committee will review the admissions programs and the DAT test
- Taxation of Health and Dental Benefits – CDA successfully worked to ensure that individuals would not be taxed on health and dental benefits and was successful
- CDA Secure Send – the ability to allow dentists to transfer information over the internet in a secure fashion
- CDA Seal – The Seal appears on packages of oral health products that have been reviewed and approved by CDA. This serves to educate the public.
7.5. Canadian Dental Regulatory Authorities Federation
Dr. Diane Legault, Executive Director of the Canadian Dental Regulatory Authorities Federation (CDRAF) made a presentation to the Council. The presentation touched on the following areas:
- The role of the CDRAF as it relates to the licensing of the dentists
- Presentation of the four goals of the CDRAF – governance, setting national competencies standards, communications with the members and individual dentists, and defining mechanisms to recognize emerging trends at the regulatory level
7.6. CDSPI
Ms. Susan Roberts, Vice-President, Insurance Advisory Services for CDSPI, briefed the Council on CDSPI activities. The presentation touched on the following areas:
- The pleasure that CDSPI has in sponsoring the federation
- The work that CDSPI does related to the presentation of products which are valuable to the individual dentist.
- Various programs offered to dental students (e.g. disability program that is offered at no-cost when they are students and then at a reduced rate as a graduating dentists)
- A variety of education sessions that are offered to students, new dentists and experienced dentists.
Mr. Gharavi expressed his appreciation, on behalf of the FCDSA Council Members, to CDSPI on the support received from CDSPI.
7.7. National Dental Examining Board of Canada
Ms. Kim Phillips, Manager, Communications for the National Dental Examining Board of Canada (NDEB) briefed the Council. The presentation touched on the following areas:
- The role of the NDEB as the national licensing body within Canada for both Canadian and foreign trained dentists.
- The announcement of Dr. Marie Dagenais as the new Executive Director of the NDEB
- Work being done on the update to their bylaws related to misconduct of candidates during the exam process.
8. Incorporation of FCDSA
Mr. Gharavi briefed the Council on the need for and benefits of incorporating federally. It was noted that documents related to the process were included in the resources for this meeting. Mr. Gharavi noted that becoming incorporated assists with the accountability for the members of the council.
There was an inquiry on being able to issue tax receipts as a incorporated association. Mr. Gharavi noted that to do this, FCDSA would also need to become a recognized charity. The process for this is much more work and, for the present time, FCDSA will not consider this option.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations be incorporated federally under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act.
Mr. Gharavi informed Council that the Executive would ensure that information related to the incorporation will be communicated as things transpire.
9. Proposed Bylaws Amendments
Mr. Gharavi noted that incorporation would require some amendments to the FCDSA General Bylaws. This is also an opportunity to make any other changes that might be needed.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that a Bylaw Review Working group be established comprised of 2-3 Council members and tasked with reviewing the FCDSA General Bylaws and proposed revisions for consideration at the 2018 Annual General Meeting.
Mr. Gharavi indicated that the members of this committee will be selected during the Planning Session which is scheduled for June 14, 2017.
10. Moving Forward
The Council reviewed FCDSA’s current goals and objectives and agreed that they are still valid and should remain unchanged.
Mission: Why does FCDSA exist?
To connect dentistry students in order to foster the sharing of common interests and challenges, advocate as a unified national student voice for the promotion of accessible, optimal dental education and patient care, and provide an avenue to introduce and involve students in organized dentistry.
Vision: Where is FCDSA going?
To be a forum for a nationally integrated community enhancing the student experience in the dental profession.
Since 2014, the Council has maintained three main goals and objectives. The Council confirmed that these main goals and objectives were still valid and need not be changed.
Connect: Connecting all students under the FCDSA. Be a meeting place for individual students.
Advocate: Be a credible voice for students at the national level.
Engage: Encourage involvement by dedicated volunteers willing to commit to working together to meet targets and goals.
10.2 new and continuing activities/projects
At the 2016 AGM, the following six priority activities/projects were identified. The Council confirmed that these were still valid and need not be changed.
Representation at meetings and events: Represent FCDSA at other national and international meetings. Attendance is contingent on funding being available.
Website: Identify gaps in website content and develop strategies to fill those gaps. Ideas included the PowerPoint presentation, and lists of student awards. The website should be translated, to be completed in mid-2017.
Issues Management: Using the website. Facebook and other methods, identify issues of concern and how FCDSA can address them. These might include discussion forums, videos, webinars etc. with panels of specialists.
Finances: Complete the work on the sponsorship package and develop a plan to approach potential sponsors.
Dental Student Conference: Implement the recommendations in the report of the Dental Student Conference Working Group.
Student Wellness: Launch the new Student Wellness Committee, publicize the mandate of the Committee and work toward activities/services outlined in the Terms of Reference.
During the Council Planning Session on June 14, the Council will focus on the following:
Leadership Training
- Organized dentistry in Canada
- FCDSA Bylaws – Why governance is important.
- Committees – Why they are important and how they work.
Committee Meetings
- Terms of Reference
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Committee Chairs and Members (to be approved at the following Council Meeting)
- Goals/objectives for 2017-2018
- How committees can help each other meet their goals/objectives
11. Election of Executive
Prior to the election, the Council considered to resolutions regarding the election process.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that Dr. Joel Antel and Ms. Donna Bierko serve as scrutineers for the election.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the ballots related to the 2017 Election be destroyed by the scrutineers.
Nominees had been received for the position of President, Vice-President and Regional Councillor – Western Canada. Additional nominees from the floor were accepted.
11.1 Candidate Speeches
Candidates for the Executive were invited to make short speeches prior to the election.
11.2 Election
For positions with one nominee, the candidate was eligible for election by acclamation. For positions with more than one nominee, the election was held in accordance with the Election Protocol.
The following were elected to the Executive:
- Julie Delcorde (Toronto ’18), President
- Matthew Yeung (UBC ’19), Vice-President
- Da In Kim (Alberta ’20) Regional councillor - Western Canada
- Jihyun Han (Manitoba ’18), Regional councillor - Central Canada
- Philippe Martin (Laval ’19), Regional councillor - Eastern Canada
12. Banking resolutions and documents
12.1 Resolution Naming Members of the Executive to Operate the Bank Account
One of the duties of members of the Executive is to operate the bank account. This means that they may sign cheques and other banking documents, along with the other signatories appointed in 2013: Dr. Benoit Soucy and Monique Bouchard. For each cheque or banking document, two signatories are required, including at least one member of the Executive.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the following specific individuals be appointed to operate the account based on their election to the Executive of the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations (FCDSA):
- Julie Delcorde (Toronto ’18), President
- Matthew Yeung (UBC ’19, Vice-President
- Da In Kim (Alberta ’20), Regional councillor - Western Canada
- Jihyun Han (Manitoba ’18), Regional councillor - Central Canada
- Philippe Martin (Laval ’19), Regional councillor - Eastern Canada
Ms. Bierko updated the list of directors and officers in preparation for item 12.3.
In 2012, the Council passed several resolutions to set up its own bank account. As many Council members change at each AGM, it is necessary to provide a Letter of Authority to the bank which provides the name and home contact information for all the members of the Council as well as he names of the authorized signatories.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations (FCDSA) submit to TD Canada Trust the completed document entitled “Listing of or Change to Owners, Directors and/or Officers of a Business”, and the accompanying letter of authorization listing, as required, the members of the FCDSA Council, including each individual’s title and home contact information, their status (current or new member of Council), and whether each is to be listed as just a Council member or as a Council member and official signatory. The letter of authorization shall contain the signature of each Council member.
13. Other Business
There was no other business..
14. Remarks from the outgoing and incoming presidents
Mr. Gharavi expressed his appreciation for the work done by the Council during his two terms as President. He noted that he enjoyed the position and it was a learning experience.
Ms. Delcorde expressed her appreciation for the support that she is getting from Council for this new position. She intends to continue the good work that has been done by Council and looks forward to working with everyone.
15. Next Meeting
The Council considered when the next Annual General Meeting should be scheduled.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the 2018 Annual General Meeting of the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations (FCDSA) be held in conjunction with the 2018 Canadian Dental Student Conference in Toronto, Ontario, from January 11-14, 2018. The exact date of the meeting will be determined by the Executive.
It was agreed that FCDSA communicate with the Canadian Dental Association to request that required Secretariat staff support is available for onsite staff support at the 2018 Annual General Meeting.
16. Adjournment
Mr. Gharavi congratulated everyone for a productive meeting. He and the rest of the Council thanked CDSPI, CDA and ACFD for their sponsorship of this year’s joint events.
As there was no other business to discuss, the meeting ended at 1:15 p.m.
Mr. Gharavi invited everyone to have some refreshments and to participate in the following:
- FCDSA Round Table Discussion from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.
- ACFD Panel Discussion from 3:15 – 4:15 p.m.
Khashayar Gharavi, President
Donna Bierko, Recording Secretary