Adopted Resolutions - 2015
The following resolutions were adopted during the Annual General Meeting of the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations held June 20, 2015 in the Albion Room A & B, Novotel, Ottawa, Ontario.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations held June 21, 2014 be approved.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that paragraph 10.09 of the General Bylaws of the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations, dated July 15, 2013 be amended to read as follows:
10.09 If the office of either the President or Vice-President becomes vacant, the regional councillors may, by resolution and in accordance with paragraph 10.04 of these bylaws, fill the vacancy from the members of the Council.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the Financial Statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2014 be accepted as presented.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the proposed activity plan for 2015-2016 be approved as presented.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations (FCDSA) adopt the official logo design as specified below:
Option 3 using the font used in option 1.
After modification, the final logo would be as follows:
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the mandate of the Dental Student Conference Feasibility Working Group be extended until the FCDSA 2016 Annual General Meeting, at which time the Working Group will present its final report.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that Dr. Benoit Soucy and Ms. Monique Bouchard serve as scrutineers for the election.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the ballots related to the 2015 Election be destroyed by the scrutineers.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the following specific individuals be appointed to operate the account based on their election to the Executive of the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations (FCDSA):
- Khashayar Gharavi (Toronto ’17), President
- Nada Tabbara (Western ’17), Vice-President
- Ivy Fangyu Lin (McGill ’17), Regional councillor- Eastern Canada
- Jennifer Branch (Western ’18), Regional councillor- Central Canada
- Kerri-Lyn Chong (UBC ’18), Regional councillor- Western Canada
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the following be appointed to the Finance Committee for 2015-2016:
Chair: Nada Tabbara (Western ’18) - Vice-president
4 Members: Jennifer Branch (Western ’18)
Khashayar Gharavi (Toronto ’17)
Danielle Gray (Saskatchewan ’17)
Bryan Wong (Manitoba ’16)
Staff support: Monique Bouchard (Secretariat)
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the following be appointed to the Internal Communications Committee for 2015-2016:
Chair: Ivy Fangyu Lin (McGill ’17)
3 Members: Kerri-Lyn Chong (UBC ’18)
Sunny Virdi (Manitoba ’16)
Olivier Marceau (Laval ’17)
Staff support: Monique Bouchard (Secretariat)
It is noted that Dean Smith (CDA) and Deborah Niles (CDSPI) continue to serve as consultants to the Internal Communications Committee.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the following be appointed to the External Communications Committee for 2015-2016:
Chair: Kelsey Eatmon (Dalhousie ’18)
2 Members: Goli Sammak (Saskatchewan ’18)
Ivy Fangyu Lin (McGill ’17)
Staff support: Monique Bouchard (Secretariat)
It is noted that Dean Smith (CDA) continues to serve as consultant to the External Communications Committee.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the following be appointed to the Dental Student Conference Working Group for 2015-2016:
Chair: Antoine Paradis-Surprenant (Montréal ’17)
4 Members: Sunny Virdi (Manitoba ’16)
Reza Entezarion (UBC ’16)
Bryan Wong (Manitoba ’16)
Elisabeth Rajotte (Laval ’17)
Staff support: Monique Bouchard (Secretariat)
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations (FCDSA) forward to TD Commercial Banking a Letter of Authority dated June 20, 2015 providing the required names and contact information for the members of Council as well as the confirmation of the specific individuals appointed to operate the account based on their election to the Executive or appointment as other signing authorities.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the next Annual General Meeting of the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations (FCDSA) be held in the spring of 2016 at a date to be confirmed by the Executive.