Adopted Resolutions - 2014
The following resolutions were adopted during the Annual General Meeting of the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations held June 21, 2014 in the Albion Room A & B, Novotel, Ottawa, Ontario.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations held June 15, 2013 be approved.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the following amendments be made to the list of organizations to be invited to the FCDSA Annual General Meeting:
In descending order of priority, the following organizations be invited to send one or two representative(s) to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations (FCDSA) as observers:
- Canadian Dental Association (CDA)
- American Student Dental Association (ASDA)
- National Dental Examining Board (NDEB)
- Canadian Dental Regulatory Authorities Federation (CDRAF)
- Association of Canadian Faculties of Dentistry (ACFD)
- Canadian Federation of Medical Students (CFMS)
- Student Professional and Ethics Association (SPEA)
- Emerging Health Leaders (EHL)
- Central Veterinary Student Association (CVSA)
Funding for travel and accommodation will be provided only if funds are available. Otherwise, organization representatives are invited to attend at their own expense.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the proposed Agreement between the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations (FCDSA) and the National Dental Examining Board (NDEB) be approved.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations (FCDSA) finds the ASDA National Leadership Conference (NLC) to be an important and beneficial leadership training opportunity which contributes to the development of future leaders in the dental profession and in the many areas of organized dentistry. As such, the FCDSA encourages the attendance of representatives from its member associations to future ASDA National Leadership Conferences.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the proposed activity plan for 2014-2015 be approved as presented.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the fiscal year-end of the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations (FCDSA) be set at December 31.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the Financial Statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2013 be accepted as presented.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the FCDSA Travel Expense Policy be approved, as amended.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that members of the FCDSA Council continue to invite students from their respective schools to “Like” the FCDSA Facebook page and that they strive to post member association news, awards, and other items of interest.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that members of the FCDSA Council promote student awareness of the FCDSA by planning events or other opportunities where they can share the FCDSA PowerPoint presentation with incoming first year students. Council members are also asked to share their experiences on Facebook and with the Secretariat so that other members might benefit from best practices.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that that the terms of reference for the Website Development Team (WDT) be amended so that the WDT reports to the External Communications Committee.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the Website Development Team continue to develop content for the website based on feedback received.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the following be adopted as the official email address for initial contact with FCDSA:
And that other “alias” email addresses be established by the Executive as needed for the efficient and effective conduct of FCDSA business.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that one of the members of the Executive be appointed to serve on the Website Development Team.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the IDSC Feasibility Working Group be renamed the Dental Student Conference Feasibility Working Group, that the mandate be amended to include the exploration of other conference models, and that the Working Group mandate be extended until the FCDSA 2015 Annual General Meeting, at which time it will present its final report.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that Dr. Benoit Soucy and Ms. Monique Bouchard serve as scrutineers for the election.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the ballots related to the 2014 Election be destroyed by the scrutineers.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the composition of the Website Development Team be increased to four members (including the Chairperson) plus staff/other consultants as needed.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the following be appointed to the Finance Committee for 2014-2015:
- Chair: Hayley Faulkner (Vice-president)
- 4 Members: Toufic Boulos, Khashayar Gharavi, Nazanin Hojjati, Bryce Tung
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the following be appointed to the Internal Communications Committee for 2014-2015:
- Chair: Nada Tabbara
- 3 Members: Hayley Faulkner, Daniel Salloum, Lindsay Orser
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the following be appointed to the External Communications Committee for 2014-2015:
- Chair: Bryce Tung
- 1 Member: Nada Tabbara
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the following be appointed to the Website Development Team for 2014-2015:
- Chair: Linda Lan
- 4 Members: Chloe Fung, Danielle Gray, Sunny Virdi, Soroush Liaghat
- Executive liaison: Reza Entezarion
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the following be appointed to the Dental Student Conference Feasibility Working Group for 2014-2015:
- Chair: Hayley Faulkner
- 2 Members: Francois Belanger, Simon-Olivier Brault, Nada Tabbara
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations (FCDSA) designate TD Commercial Banking as the bank with which FCDSA will transact banking business, as outlined in the form of resolution provided by TD Canada Trust and attached to these minutes as Appendix I, and that such form resolution is approved.
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the following specific individuals be appointed to operate the account based on their election to the Executive of the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations (FCDSA):
- Toufic Boulos, President
- Hayley Faulkner, Vice-President
- Reza Entezarion, Regional councillor - Western Canada
- Khashayar Gharavi, Regional councillor - Central Canada
- Nazanin Hojjati, Regional councillor - Eastern Canada
IT WAS MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED that the next Annual General Meeting of the Federation of Canadian Dentistry Student Associations (FCDSA) be held in the spring of 2015 at a date to be confirmed by the Executive.